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The future of logistics: what's in store for the industry

Logistics is not just about getting goods from point A to point B, but about a whole range of operations that make or break a business. Technologies do not stand still, and as they evolve, so does the logistics industry. If in the Middle Ages horses were used for deliveries, today there are trains, lorries, barges and planes.

Together with specialists from LLC «FabriQuanta», we looked at what the future holds for logistics in the near future and the opportunities it presents.
How not to lose time, money or get a refund
Modern technologies - RFID chips, Bluetooth beacons, 5G and artificial intelligence - are playing an increasingly important role in logistics. Not only do they improve accuracy and speed, but they also allow better control over every stage of delivery.
  • RFID chips. With RFID chips, companies can instantly know how much stock they have and avoid out-of-stocks or overstocks. Nike's logistics department, for example, has virtually eliminated losses thanks to this technology.
  • Bluetooth Beacon. This technology enables real-time tracking of shipments, which is especially important for sensitive goods such as pharmaceuticals and food that require strict monitoring.
  • 5G and smart roads. These innovations will enable real-time traffic data, which is very important for countries with a lot of road traffic, such as China.

Recommendation: If you are in the logistics business, you should consider adopting these technologies today to increase your competitiveness and provide better service to your customers.
The ideal warehouse of the future
Automation of warehouse and transportation processes is becoming the norm. Companies are increasingly adopting automated management systems that increase efficiency and reduce reliance on human labour.
  • Robots in the warehouse: they are already being used extensively to sort and pack goods, freeing up workers for more complex tasks.
  • Artificial intelligence: these are the latest data processing technologies. They help to forecast demand, optimise stock levels and improve supply management. Such a system can be developed by IT companies to suit your needs.

Recommendation: By implementing automation, a logistics company can significantly increase profits and improve the accuracy of all operations. This is particularly important in a growing business environment.
Environmental component
Every year, more and more companies are paying attention to the environmental aspects of their activities. Logistics is no exception.
  • Green logistics. The trend towards reducing the carbon footprint of vehicle emissions and the use of electric vehicles. All this helps to improve a company's reputation and attract customers who care about the environment.

Recommendation: Integrating green solutions into logistics will not only help to reduce costs in the long term, but will also increase the loyalty of customers who are increasingly concerned about a cleaner environment.
How drones will change logistics
One of the most promising trends in logistics is the use of unmanned convoys and drones. These technologies will radically change the industry, making transport more efficient, safer and cheaper.
  • Unmanned convoys. These autonomous vehicles use AI and machine learning to move in sync without driver input, significantly reducing costs.
  • Drones. Their use in the last mile of delivery can reduce costs and increase the speed of order fulfilment.

Recommendation: If you are in the logistics industry, start following the news in this area and explore the possibility of implementing the latest technologies in your business.

Companies that start to innovate and adapt today will not only survive, but increase their profits in the future. For professional advice, contact the specialists at LLC «FabriQuanta». They are constantly analysing global trends and keeping an eye on innovation. Contacts - here:
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Ukraine, 61046 Kharkiv region, Kharkiv, Nemyshlyansky district, Alexandrovsky avenue, 2-A