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Entering markets in other countries: where to start

Companies that are successfully developing, over time become cramped in the domestic market. There is a desire to expand the business into the international arena and sell goods or services abroad. One of the issues that future exporters face is finding buyers. FabriQuanta experts have shared a few ways to get started in another country.
Another way to find buyers in another country is Google. Here with the help of targeted advertising, companies and entrepreneurs actively sell goods and services. This search engine is used in almost every country in the world. Do you think that foreigners look for answers to their questions in any other way? The only thing that distinguishes them is that they make queries in English or another native language. Create a one-page website in English or another language with one product of yours, tailor your search terms, create an ad campaign in Google, set up adverts to show for the country you are interested in and test the demand. This way you will find out if your products will be of interest to a foreign audience.
Make your product visible
To sell your product, you first need to get it seen and noticed. Post your offers on every online marketplace you can find on the internet. Even though these sites are dominated by local manufacturers and sellers, you need to showcase your goods anyway. In addition, some sites have grown to worldwide size and are already hosting anyone who wants to sell anything.

Another option to make yourself known is trade shows. Go to a trade show in another country with your product. These can be industry-specific or multi-faceted events.
Choose the product you want to export
When you're just starting to venture into international trade, it's best not to try to put your entire product range on sale at once. To enter a foreign market with your full range of products, you need to invest quite a lot of money. Start with a few products. Tell us what they are good for and what features they have. If things go well, then you can expand the list of products you offer.
How to choose a country
You should start your search for a country where you will send your goods by analysing its trade turnover. Who this country trades with, where it sells more, where it buys more from, what it sells and what it buys.

Make a list of countries where you would like to sell your goods. Use an internet search engine and see what products and at what prices are sold in a particular country. This information can usually be found on government portals. Information on what goods countries import can also be found on transport platforms, where sellers and buyers search for carriers. If some goods are being imported into a country, it means that residents or businesses need them. This list will help you determine where to try to sell the goods first.
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Ukraine, 61046 Kharkiv region, Kharkiv, Nemyshlyansky district, Alexandrovsky avenue, 2-A